Kim Ploussard, LMHC | Albany NY Therapist and Co-Founder of Relationship and Marital Counseling, PLLC

Kim Ploussard, LMHC, SEP, DARTT

Kim Ploussard

Please note: Kim is not taking new couples for one on one counseling. Please refer to the workshop page if you would like to work with Kim if you believe your personal history from childhood may be impacting your relationships.

Welcome and thank you for looking at my site. My passion is to facilitate growth and healing in relationships by supporting people to explore their authentic selves, including the full expression of their emotional and sexual selves. In order to accomplish this, the majority of my practice is with couples in committed relationships. I bring to the process openness, clarity, perspective and a unique approach developed over 25 years of study and practice. My approach is empathic and supportive in a way that is also direct and challenging. I am known for helping couples move through difficult issues (gridlock) and expand their comfort zones. Through this process, couples often experience both greater closeness with each other and more confidence in themselves as individuals.  
I believe that each individual and relationship is unique. Therefore, how I work with each relationship is different. My work is focused on the present with a deep respect for how early survival decisions and life patterns of each partner effect the relationship today. I see my role in this process as mentoring the development of the relationship from where it is to where the partners decide they want it to be in the future. Couples work with me to create more love and aliveness in their relationship; repair an ailing relationship; or end their relationship with honor and dignity.  
Partners learn to recognize when they are in a “reactive mode” based on experiences from the past and find they can make different choices now. They come to understand and appreciate their similarities and differences, developing greater understanding for each other. Enhanced communication and other skills necessary to create new outcomes are also learned. New responses to old patterns allow the partners to live with integrity and accountability. 

In my experience, one of the greatest gifts of long-term relationships is to use our problems as our teachers. I am dedicated to working with relationships in order to help individuals grow and heal, creating in the present the fullest expression of who they are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Kim Ploussard, LMHC | Albany NY Therapist and Co-Founder of Relationship and Marital Counseling, PLLC
Kim Ploussard


I am a licensed mental health counselor practicing in New York State. I received a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from SUNY Albany in 1995. As a life-long learner I continually seek out training to stay on the cutting edge of advances in therapy and have several certificates in approaches developed by recognized leaders in the field of marital therapy. In addition to my private practice, Relationship & Marital Counseling, PLLC, I am on the faculty of the Relational Life Institute, founded by Terrence Real, and I am the Co-Director of the Relational Life Mastery and Coaching Program affiliated with RLI. I trained and studied with Pia Mellody in her Post Induction Therapy (PIT) model of working with trauma and I am now on the faculty of the Healing Our Core Issues Institute, training other therapists in this body-based, experiential modality. I became certified in 2016 as a Somatic Experience Practitioner (SEP), Peter Levine’s body-centered approach to healing trauma, and I am a current member the New York Mental Health Counselor Association.  

I welcome any questions you may have. Please call me at 518.862.1974, Ext. 1 or if you prefer, you may reach me via my Contact Form to the right.

Getting Started with Kim

When working with a couple I start with a consultation session which lasts for about two (2) hours. I also sometimes see individuals who are coming in to work specifically on relationship issues. During this first session, we can both decide whether I am the best person to provide the services that you need to meet your goals. By the end of this meeting, I will be able to offer you some initial impressions of what our work will include and an initial plan if you decide to continue. You should evaluate this information along with your own assessment about whether you would like to work with me.

My practice is non-traditional in that I believe overall treatment length can be shortened by offering longer sessions that are weeks apart, giving homework in between sessions, and encouraging individuals to attend intensive workshops where they learn new behavioral skills and gain new insights. Therapy involves a commitment of time, money and energy so you should be thoughtful about the therapist you select. I welcome any questions or concerns you may have about my approach and I will be happy to help you seek another therapist at any time if you request it.  


The initial appointment with a couple is a two (2) hour session and individuals is 90 minutes. Fees depend on the time of day you are available. I do not have weekend hours but do have some evening appointment times. These are more in demand and limited (Tuesdays and some Thursdays). Daytime hours are 8:30 am-4:00 pm ET. The daytime fee for couples is $170/hour and for evenings is $200/hour. The individual fee is $170/hour. I primarily schedule sessions on Tuesdays — Fridays.


For video sessions the initial appointment with a couple is for two (2) hours and the fee is $200 per hour. The hourly rate for individuals is $170 per hour. Following this initial appointment, when working electronically we usually transition to 90 minute time frames depending on the frequency of sessions and your goals.

Couples usually work with me in two (2) hour blocks of time and occasionally longer by arrangement. During longer sessions we may take periodic breaks as agreed ahead of time. Individual sessions start with 90 minutes and generally transition to 55 minutes. These can occur more frequently depending on the intensity of the work. There is a standard fee for no-shows or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.


I am a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) and out-of-network insurance provider for in-person sessions. Video conference sessions are not always covered by insurance. Please check with your provider.

Since I am an out-of-network provider, you are responsible for making payment at the time of service, and I will provide you with a detailed receipt to submit to your insurer. In this case, I am required to submit a mental health diagnosis and I may be asked to provide case notes and other documentation.

To investigate your benefits and to see if your insurance company reimburses for out-of-network care, you may want to call and ask the following:
  • Do I have mental health benefits?
  • How much does my plan cover for an out-of-network provider?
  • How do I obtain reimbursement for therapy with an out-of-network provider?
  • Is family therapy covered? Is couples counseling?
  • What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
  • What is my deductible and has it been met?
  • How many sessions per calendar year does my plan cover?
  • Is prior approval required from my primary care physician?

* Please see your rights relating to the Good Faith Estimate below.

Make it or Break It Couples Intensive

I offer couples exclusive 1-2 day “Make It or Break It" intensives that are equivalent to three months of couples therapy. The intensives allow a comprehensive dive into the patterns that have developed that are not functional and exploration of their origins for further healing.  I utilize an experiential process that involves guided imagery which is very effective in healing developmental trauma that impacts people in their relationships.

Couples gain important insights about how their early survival patterns play out in relationships, tools for healing, and skills for building and sustaining intimacy as a functional adult.

Whether we do 1 or 2 days depends on you and your specific goals. The schedule is typically 10:00 to 5:00 pm with an hour for lunch on the 1st day, and if elected 9:30 to 12:30 pm on the 2nd day. While these are sometimes called ‘Make It or Break It' sessions, they can also be beneficial for you if you are: 
  • Traveling from a distance
  • Seeking a deep, focused dive to enhance intimacy
  • Going through life transitions such as preparing for baby, empty nesters or nearing retirement
  • Rebuilding trust after betrayals
Please contact me for more details and to set up your personalized intensive program. 1-2 day intensives are often sought by couples seeing another therapist, in which case I consult with your therapist for follow-up afterwards.


“Trauma is an internal straitjacket created when a devastating moment is frozen in time.
It stifles the unfolding of being, and strangles our attempts to move forward in our lives.
It disconnects us from ourselves, others, nature and spirit.” 
Dr. Peter Levine, PhD, developer of Somatic Experiencing®

I am a certified Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP) which is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. The autonomic nervous system is designed to regulate itself, but this process becomes thwarted when undermined by trauma. Somatic Experiencing® facilitates reconnection to the sensations and movement of the body in order to access our innate capacity for healing.

The SE approach uses awareness of body sensations to help the nervous system re-regulate, rather than re-live or re-enact a stressful situation. By increasing our awareness of the relationship between between our body and our mind we are able to reconnect the fragmented parts, integrate our experiences and access our true self. This is how we become whole.

Somatic Experiencing® can result in a number of benefits such as relief of traumatic stress symptoms, increased resilience and resourcefulness. Other benefits include a deeper connection to self, restored connection to others and less ‘charge’ in stressful situations.

Our bodies are containers for sensation. As we heal, we become more spacious with greater capacity to experience the fullness of our lives. I combine Post Induction Therapy and Somatic Experiencing® in effectively working with my clients to heal and alleviate the pain from trauma in their life and relationships.

Client Testimonials

Kim always takes the time to listen to both of us at the start of a session to understand where we are and how she can best help us. While Kim brings our history and her toolkit into the session, I always believe that she forms a unique approach to helping us move forward during our session. Kim never assigns blame, but asks questions so we can understand for ourselves how we feel and why. Kim always takes the time to recommend and talk through ways to make repair and move forward. She explains why these actions are important, and how we can work together as a couple to make progress. I trust Kim, and know she cares about us as individuals and as a couple. She always brings her experience, knowledge and caring, and has helped us again and again to work through many challenges.
~ Marty and Ela (Latham, NY)

I have been a client for more than a decade, both for individual as well as couples' guidance.

The search for self-understanding can be challenging, and Kim has offered an unwavering, steady hand, providing not only feedback, but tangible strategies and tactics to practice and apply to aspects of all relationships - from parents to partners to friends and colleagues. And over time, we have also shared many moments of pure laughter, a welcome balance to the sometimes tough work of self understanding.

Perhaps the best testament is the fact that, upon seeing my evolution from working with Kim, several friends, family members and colleagues have also begun to work with her (in an ”I’ll have what she’s having” kind of way). We are all incredibly grateful to have found Kim.
~ Patricia (Altamont, NY)

Kim is such an asset to folks in need, just as she was to me with regard to my marriage and family. It gives me comfort, hope and joy knowing that Kim is in Albany and her talents will be a beacon of light for many.

I found both my individual and couples sessions comforting and very helpful. Kim has a keen ability to listen without judgement and to ask challenging questions with grace. She offers guidance and tools to move through life’s challenges. I continue to be amazed by her skill in helping me to learn and grow in my most meaningful relationships.  
~ Susan (Guilderland, NY)

Kim is a skilled, sensitive and experienced leader, among the best I have experienced in my 35 year association with therapy- as a client, student, workshop participant, therapist and teacher. I learned a great deal from Kim both for my own benefit and for my work as a therapist, as I was taught and helped to access thoughts, feelings, energy and language for understanding and expressing my experience. 
~ Woman, 61 y.o.
I have traveled 1000’s of miles to get therapy for my healing and found Reclaiming Your Power right here in the Capital District. Kim is a gem. Finding a good therapist is as important as having a healthy marriage and Kim fits it to a tee.
~ Woman, 47 y.o.

Good Faith Estimate

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. 

Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.

If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.
Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. 

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call me at 518-439-3868.
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